About Me

Bagirimvano Jeffery

I’m an Enterprise Application Administrator working at the University of Arkansas. Currently, my work involve working with Puppet, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible and many other tools. Life is a continuous learning process, so work makes me more rigorous, travel makes my life more colorful. I love making friends when I play sports, mostly soccer, and travel.

My Projects

Puppet Enterprise in Docker

A script to create a Puppet Enterprise Docker Image


Install and Configure, using Ansible, a Minimum Islandora Enterprise Stack, an open-source software framework designed to help institutions and organizations and their audiences collaboratively manage, and discover digital assets using a best-practices framework.

Islandora | Docker

Dockerfiles used to build Islandora Enterprise Stack, an open-source software framework designed to help institutions and organizations and their audiences collaboratively manage, and discover digital assets using a best-practices framework.


Docker Image packaging for Nextcloud - A safe home for all your data Access & share your files, calendars, contacts, mail & more from any device, on your terms.


A Docker image containing a set of necessary tools for Polymer CLI Development

My Skills





OpenShift / Kubernetes


Project Management


System Administration